Bags | Grey
Designed to make travelling from A to B a little more convenient and hassle free, our collection of Always in Colour bags, backpacks and totes are styled to suit varying settings including overnight and leisurely use. Exploration ready outdoor pack gear is built to handle the demands of any hiking, trekking or camping necessity, with lightweight over shoulder tote bags and backpacks styled with shopping, office and daily use in mind.
Combining classic climbing gear with everyday functionality, spacious travel bags such as the Kavu Little Feller Bag and the 60L Klattermusen Glitner Duffelbag offer ample storage space to suit any on-the-go and overnight setting, with smaller daypacks such as the Patagonia Arbor Roll Top, Arbor Lid Pack and the Arbor Zip Pack styled with active everyday schedules catered to. Protected designs such as the Klattermusen Bure 15L Backpack and the water resistant Columbia OutDry Ex Duffle Bag are specifically styled for all season use, with lightweight over shoulder totes from the likes of Yeti, Tender and The Trilogy Tapes offering a fuss free alternative that’s well suited to use whilst at work or whilst out and about.
Designed to make travelling from A to B a little more convenient and hassle free, our collection of Always in Colour bags, backpacks and totes are styled to suit varying settings including overnight and leisurely use. Exploration ready outdoor pack gear is built to handle the demands of any hiking, trekking or camping necessity, with lightweight over shoulder tote bags and backpacks styled with shopping, office and daily use in mind.
Combining classic climbing gear with everyday functionality, spacious travel bags such as the Kavu Little Feller Bag and the 60L Klattermusen Glitner Duffelbag offer ample storage space to suit ... More >

Salomon ACS 2 Pouch, Iron

Carhartt Jake Hip Bag, Silver Pine

Snow Peak Everyday Middle Shoulder Bag, Grey

Carhartt Philis Backpack, Silver Pine

Carhartt Jake Backpack, Silver Pine

Carhartt Jakob Backpack, Silver Pine

Carhartt Jake Backpack, Dove Grey

Carhartt Philis Backpack, Dove Grey

Salomon ACS 3 Waist Pack, Iron

and wander PE CO 20L Day Pack, Grey

Cayl Seorak 7 Ultra Bag, Light Grey

Carhartt Small Essentials Bag, Dove Grey

and wander Sil Sacoche, Charcoal

Snow Peak Everyday 3Way Business Bag, Grey

Snow Peak Everyday Backpack, Grey

and wander JQ Tape Bottle Holder, Grey