not in sale | Jollie's | Blue
Described as ‘good for the soul’ and ‘seriously socky’ bright bursts of colour and vibrant patterns feature throughout Jollie’s extensive range of socks with each pair made to a high standard using sustainable manufacturing methods and GOTS certified organic cotton. Celebrating their own designs whilst also extending the spotlight to the fact that socks are the most needed yet under-donated items to homelessness shelters, Jollie’s works with like-minded companies who are on a similar mission to help those in need through conscious design.
After feeling uneasy walking past people sleeping rough and not knowing what to do, Jollie’s founder Ed Vickers spoke to visitors at his local shelter and found out how he could help - with socks. Inspired to create superior socks that he could sell and also donate whilst having a jollie on the way, Jollie’s was founded in 2012 and as a result a family of wearers and sharers has been created with thousands of pairs of socks donated to over 50 shelters nationwide. Choosing a different charity each month to bring particular attention to, incentives such as ‘wear a pair share a pair’ have been introduced which means that with every pair of Jollie’s socks sold another is given to a homeless shelter and old Jollie socks can be returned for recycling at the end of their life.
Described as ‘good for the soul’ and ‘seriously socky’ bright bursts of colour and vibrant patterns feature throughout Jollie’s extensive range of socks with each pair made to a high standard using sustainable manufacturing methods and GOTS certified organic cotton. Celebrating their own designs whilst also extending the spotlight to the fact that socks are the most needed yet under-donated items to homelessness shelters, Jollie’s works with like-minded companies who are on a similar mission to help those in need through conscious design.
After feeling uneasy walking past people sleeping rough and not knowing what to do, Jollie’s founder Ed ... More >